Древние защитники. Какие они были древние Русские воины защитники?
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Стражи Хиджала: призыв древних защитников! Древние защитники

Защитник древних королей - Заклинание

Комментарий от Theodicus

So this only lasts 12 seconds for Protection Paladins now? Where's the love? 12 seconds isn't worth it.

Holy/Ret Paladins get 30 seconds for their Guardian.

Комментарий от heartlessnobody

Neat your own personal meat shield, though how big is the health this guy

Комментарий от Celellach

I was trying to find a list of all the minions and guardians available to players through spells, talents and glpyhs (not from items) and ended up creating one.Hope this is useful for others as well.

Рыцарь смерти: Ghoul - Available at level 55.Geist - Minor glyph that changes the appearance of the Ghoul to that of a Geist.Skeleton - Minor glyph that changes the appearance of the Ghoul to that of a Skeleton.Undead Monstrosity - Available at level 70. Transforms the Ghoul into an Undead Monstrosity.Gargoyle - Available at level 74.Legion of Ghouls - Available at level 80.Various undead - Minor glyph that changes the appearances of the Ghouls of the Army of the Dead into various undead minions.

Друид:Treants - Available at level 60. Four different versions: Balance, Feral, Gaurdian and Restoration.

Маг:Water Elemental - Available at level 10.Unbound Elemental - Minor glyph that changes the appearance of the Water Elemental to that of an Unbound Elemental.

Монах:Xuen, the White Tiger - Available at level 90.

Паладин:Guardian of Ancient Kings - Available at level 75. Three different versions: Holy, Protection and Retribution.

Жрец:Shadowfiend - Available at level 42.Mindbender - Available at level 45.Sha Beast - Minor glyph that changes the appearance of the Mindbender to that of a Sha Beast.

Шаман: Earth Elemental - Available at level 58.Fire Elemental - Available at level 66.Spirit Wolves - Available at level 60.Spirit Raptors - Minor glyph that changes the appearances of the Spirit Wolves to that of Spirit Raptors.

Чернокнижник:Imp - Available at level 1.Fel Imp - Available at level 75 upon learning . Changes the appearance of the Imp to that of a Fel Imp. Voidwalker - Available at level 8.Voidlord - Available at level 75 upon learning . Changes the appearance of the Voidwalker to that of a Voidlord. Succubus - Available at level 20.Shivarra - Available at level 75 upon learning . Changes the appearance of the Succubus to that of a Shivarra. Felhunter - Available at level 29.Observer - Available at level 75 upon learning . Changes the appearance of the Felhunter to that of an Observer. Felguard - Available at level 42.Wrathguard - Available at level 75 upon learning . Changes the appearance of the Felguard to that of a Wrathguard. Infernal - Available at level 49.Abyssal - Available at level 75 upon learning . Changes the appearance of the Infernal to that of an Abyssal. Doomguard - Available at level 58.Terrorguard - Available at level 75 upon learning . Changes the appearance of the Doomguard to that of a Terrorguard. Eye of Kilrogg - Available at level 22.

Комментарий от Stealthee

Guardian of Ancient kings has been removed for Retribution Paladins in Warlords of Draenor.

Комментарий от Spazticated

In Legion, you now become the Guardian rather than merely summoning him to defend you.

Also introduced in Legion is Символ королевы, which transforms you into a female Guardian.


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Защитники (англ. Defenders) — команда супергероев Нью-Йорка.


    Герои улиц

    После битвы за Нью-Йорк уровень преступности в городе значительно возрос. Уилсон Фиск основал могущественную преступную организацию и решил взять контроль над Адской кухней. Контролировать Гарлем стал Корнелл Стокс, также известный по прозвищу Щитомордник. Древняя организация «Рука» стала сотрудничать с Фиском и имела связи с несколькими крупными компаниями, в том числе и с «Ренд Интерпрайзис». Серии преступлений в городе также совершили Килгрэйв и Алмазный змей.

    Original Daredevil Suit (Earth-199999)Original Daredevil Suit (Earth-199999)

    Первый костюм Сорвиголовы

    В Нью-Йорке появились новые герои, которые поставили себе задачу разобраться со всеми преступными организациями в своих районах. Одним из первых героев улиц стал адвокат Мэтт Мёрдок, который ослеп в детстве в результате несчастного случая (несмотря на потерю зрения, у него усилились все остальные чувства). Жители города и пресса прозвали его Дьяволом Адской кухни. Он пошёл против Уилсона Фиска и всё-таки сумел его победить. Преступник попал в тюрьму, а за свои заслуги Мэтт получил новое прозвище — Сорвиголова.[1]

    Daredevil S2E11 ScreenDaredevil S2E11 Screen

    Получив новый костюм, Сорвиголова продолжил свою супергеройскую деятельность в Адской кухне. В результате ему пришлось вступить в конфликт с организацией «Рука», которая ранее сотрудничала с Уилсоном Фиском. Объединившись со своей бывшей девушкой Электрой Начиос, Сорвиголова удалось победить. Тем не менее, во время финального боя с «Рукой» Электра погибла. После смерти девушки Мэтт решил перестать геройствовать, поскольку опасался, что кто-то ещё из его близких может погибнуть.[2]

    Джессика Джонс
    Jessica Jones (Earth-199999) 003Jessica Jones (Earth-199999) 003

    Джессика Джонс

    Джессика Джонс ещё в детстве получила сверхчеловеческие способности. Она стала жертвой Клигрэйва, который имеет способность контролировать людей. Ей удалось освободиться от его контроля во время трагедии, случившейся с Ревой Коннорс. Клигрэйв исчез, и Джессика в течение долгого времени предполагала, что он погиб. Став частным детективом, она основывает «Элиас Инвестигейшенс». Однажды к Джонс обратились родители Хоуп Шлоттман с просьбой отыскать пропавшую дочь. Начав расследование, она узнаёт, что Килгрэйв жив. После возвращения Килгрэйва погибла Хоуп и ещё несколько невинных людей. Джессика убила злодея, свернув ему шею.[3]

    Люк Кейдж

    Карл Лукас из Гарлема попал в тюрьму Сигейт за преступление, которое не совершал. В тюрьме над ним провели эксперимент, в результате которого его кожа стала пуленеробиваемой. Сбежав из тюрьмы, он ернулся в свой родной район и сменил имя на Люк Кейдж. После гибели своего близкого друга Попа от рук приспешника Щитомордника, Люк решил разобраться с преступниками, орудующими в Гарлеме. Во время завязавшегося конфликта от рук своей кузины погибает Щитомордник, также появляется Алмазный змей — единокровный брат Люка, который при помощи инопланетной технологии читаури решил убить Кейджа. Алмазный змей был побеждён, а Люк вернулся в тюрьму, поскольку так и не досидел свой срок.[4]

    Железный кулак

    Дэнни Ренд, уже пятнадцать лет считавшийся погибшим, возвращается в Нью-Йорк после побега из мистического города К'унь-Лунь, где он стал мастером единоборств и Железным кулаком. Он узнаёт, что компания его отца имеет связь с «Рукой». Поставив себе задачу избавиться от дрневней организации, Дэнни предстояло разобраться с Бакуто и Гарольдом Мичамом, которые были во всём замешаны. Победив врагов, Железный кулак возвращается в К'унь-Лунь и обнаруживает, что воины «Руки» атаковали город и убили его жителей.[5]

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    Стражи Хиджала: призыв древних защитников! - Задание


    Комментарий от rockmanzero

    This is the starting quest to go to the Firelands daily zone.

    To meet the requirements you need to have done a lot of quests in Mount Hyjal to open the portal to the Firelands daily quest hub.

    Комментарий от rockmanzero

    Alliance Version

    This is the starting quest to go to the Firelands daily zone.

    Blizzard has added these as requirement, which you will complete whilst doing quests through a big part of Mount Hyjal.

    Комментарий от omglollol

    You must complete at least 84 out of the 115 quests in Hyjal to be able to start the quests to enter the molten front.

    Комментарий от dIggl3r

    I actually had to be 90/115 to complete the Aessina assistance.

    Комментарий от Nalain

    Questing throughout Hyjal will lead you to the different areas of people you need to assist. Depending on how far you are, you may have already completed some/all needed and this quest may already be completed before you get to start it.

    Completing these quests will give you credit for each ancient you are assisting:

    AllianceGoldrinn - Return From the FirelandsAviana - An Ancient RebornTortolla - An Ancient AwakensAessina - Aessina's Miracle

    Комментарий от purpleturtle

    This was a pretty decent quest. It gives really good money and exp.---------------------Come Get X-Elerated WoW Guides Now!Level up from 1-85 in just 4 days! Make 20,000g in just 1 day!www.Xeleratedwarcraftguides.com/special_offer

    Комментарий от Drizzitkil

    have a question for any that can help? I started the Call of the Ancients quest but logged off after helping Tortolla, when I logged back on I was in another area because I did a Raid and I haven't been able to finish the quest. I've searched everywhere in Mount Hyjal and Stormwind to find Aggra to try and help me get to the 3rd part of quest Aviana, but can't find her nor does anything showup on my map pointing me in the right direction to finish quest. Please help if you have any knowledge of this. Thx Drizz

    Комментарий от neo1973

    Same. I get credit for the quests I did up to Goldrinn, but non of the other quest givers are active and actually give quests. Help Blizz.

    Комментарий от Keyrara

    I am having the same problem I have completed the Goldrinn quest and the avianna but only recieved credit for Aviana.

    Комментарий от mgnolet

    I am having the same problem, the only one I have left is Aessina, and I cant find her

    Комментарий от gilfhunter87

    i need help! after i get the quest from the board, i fly to mount hyjal and it doesnt show where to go or where to actually start the quest. whats groin on?

    Комментарий от boojunior

    hey guys i need some help, i got the call to the ancients quest and then abandoned it, then i did the 115 quest in hyjal achievment and went back the the board to get the quest and it was gone... now i have no idea how to get to the firelands dailies, am i just missing something or is it some kind of glitch?

    Комментарий от atrevete


    Комментарий от johnnywow

    I, too, had the same problems. Logging off and not being able to restart the chain. Here is how I solved it: Went to Mt Hyjal, mounted up, adjusted mini-map to show the most geography.Then I just flew around until I finally found 2 exclamation marks. For me they were in the grove of Aessina. I was then able to start in on questing again. So I did Aessina, Tortolla, and am heading for the last quest in that chain (Guardians of Hyjal).Good luck to the you all.

    Комментарий от paulchandler71

    if you didn't complete the Mount Hyjal quests previously, you will need to complete these first

    the following link has a workthrough list to complete the Mount Hyjal quests. you will need to go down the list until you find an active one, then carry on from there

    Hope this helps


    Комментарий от Guldbarren

    Why didn't i get this quest, i have done the whole chain quest, done dailys in hyjal, and in firelands...

    And i have the "Coming Down The Mountain" Achievement

    Please Help

    Комментарий от kaliank

    I have flown everywhere in the whole mt hyjal, but it does not show any quests at all! And I have not done more than 74 quests, plz help me!

    Комментарий от lvl3

    You must complete at least 84 out of the 115 quests in Hyjal to be able to start the quests to enter the molten front.

    This is false. I leveled up doing mostly Vash'jir quests. I got this quest at 40/115. If you haven't done any quests in Hyjal I suggest you start doing the quests at Grove of Aessina. That's where I found the quest leading to this one.

    You do have to do a bunch of quest to actually complete this one if you haven't done them already. So in the end of this quest you might have that 84 quests done. You how ever do not need 84 quest done to get this quest.

    Комментарий от mipotter

    Hey Guys - I've just had the same problem as some of you...

    Sending my second Toon through Hyjal to open up the Dailies, I completed Goldrinn, and Aviana, but then the Quest Chain seems to be broken.

    Spent a while looking for another Quest in the chain, and eventually found 'The Fires of Mount Hyjal' from Rio duran at the Shrine of Goldrinn, which is sending me to the Grove of Aessina.

    Fingers crossed it will be ok from here - will keep you updated.

    Good Luck & Good Hunting


    <Edit> - 1 moment of panic after completing the above Quest, the next Quests are AT the Grove of Aessina, and not 'chained' from this one.Otherwise all went well, and the Dailies are now Open

    And FYI - I had completed 87/115 Quest in 'Coming Down the Mountain' this includes all the side-chain Quests too, so I reckon the 'Required' number is quite a bit lower.


    Комментарий от flypnay704

    Having a bit of difficulty here as well. I have done approximately 75 quests in Hyjal. I picked up the quest @ the Hero's call board a while ago for: Guardians of Hyjal: Call of the Ancients and started to do the quests to open up the portal for Firelands & the FL dailies. I was able to assist Goldrinn and Aviana & got credit for both of those. However, I had to log out for some reason and when I came back, there was no directive for me to find Tortolla. I have tried to look this NPC up and all the places that he is active, but none of those points let me assist. I have also gone back to the Sanctuary of Malorne to see if there was anything else for me to pick up or drop off. I have yet to assist Tortolla and Aessina to get credit for the Guardians of Hyjal: Call of the Ancients quest line to start up the FL portals and other FL chains.

    I have even tried to drop the quest chain and start all over again, however when I pick it up, it states that I only have Tortolla and Aessina to assist.

    I have flown all over Hyjal and have not found a single quest.

    Any tips? Thanks in advance.

    Комментарий от Bradraydra

    Well i am lost. I have this quest. I have only completed the assist tortolla part and i have no more ! Marks. What am i pose to do next? Help please

    Комментарий от yukonjack

    I had to do 76 quests for this quest to complete.

    Комментарий от blocknock

    Ok I am having a bit of an issue with this. I changed from horde to alliance then back again. After doing so I have gone to Hyjal, having only 17 quests done for the achievement. I cannot find a single quest in the whole zone. Is there a place I need to go to? I have this quest from the board, but beyond that, I can't find anything else within the Hyjal zone.

    Комментарий от NinjaSamwray

    I started doing the dailies with less than 90 quests done in hyjal. 83 if memory serves and this specific one (Guardians of Hyjal: Call of the Ancients) got stuck at help Aessina. After a lot of reading on this issue (and it is fairly common) I decided the best course of action was to drop the quest and re-acquire it to do everything again despite how annoying it it. I can't get it again now.

    I'm just doing it for the sake of completion and lore with my main char but it seems it is bugged for some of us.

    Комментарий от mattyrob

    do you have to complete the quests in mount hyjal to complete the quest

    Комментарий от bfree380

    I did 70/115 of Hyjal quests and was able to have all 4 assisted. http://www.wowwiki.com/Mount_Hyjal_quests is good for seeing what is optional if you aren't interested in doing all the quests. I have discovered that this may only work if you're 85 as I am working through the quests on my level 80 and not being able to skip some of the ones I have on my 85.

    Комментарий от Bumholio

    Portal to firelands

    Комментарий от LFXJester

    47,35 is where I got the quest chain that started me back on the Guardians of Hyjal quest chain.

    Комментарий от silverj

    hi im stuck on 62 quest's and cant find any more can some 1 help me ?

    Комментарий от mulecrazy

    Got the first two completed, but when it returned me to Mt Hyjai, did not give me the last two(aviana, or Aessina). Anyone can help?

    Комментарий от imazingmedia

    What happens if you already do all the quests in Hyjal before you get this quest and when you do get it, it doesn't give you credit for them. I'm stuck on this quest cause I've already done the needed quests before I got this quest.

    Комментарий от auredria

    If you are working on this quest and have already completed Goldrinn and Tortolla, and can't find anymore quests, check the Shrine of Aviana, if no quests, then see if Thisalee is still in her spot, if not then you've got quests down by Sethria's Roost. I had to check, and that worked for me. I hope it works for you as well :D

    Комментарий от BubbRubb23

    So, I picked up this quest at the board in SW. As soon as I picked it up it completed Goldrinn, and Tortolla. I was having problems trying to figure out how to complete Aviana, and Aessina. I realized I had not completed the quests in Sethria's Roost (doing these will then complete the "assist Aviana" task, and eventually lead you to Aessina). I completed what I believe was maybe 5 or so quests in Sethria's Roost. The quests were very easy considering I'm 85 and have decent gear. It lead me back to the Shrine to speak to Choluna. After I did that, I went and opened the egg (quest - An ancient reborn). Doing these will then complete "assist Aviana". Once you do this, 2 quests will open from Morthis Whisperwing, and Vision of Ysera. If you complete - The Hatchery Must Burn chain, it will then return you to Aviana who will send you to defend Nordu, another very easy quest at 85. After that he will then send you to the Grove of Aessina where you'll complete the quest "Aessina's Miracle". This will then complete the task "assist Aessina" for the Guardians of Hyjal quest. Hope this helps, as it took me days to figure this one out, because I had done half of Hyjal's quests already back when I was 80. I couldn't figure out what I was missing that I had not assisted Aviana and Aessina yet. I read a lot of posts where people just thought it was a glitch and there was no way to complete this quest. However, there is! Enjoy.

    Комментарий от tsimmons63

    As long as you continue to do ALL the quests in Hijal you will come across all the NPC's needed to complete this quest. Each of the "Ancients" assistance needed comes from a different NPC. When I got this quest from the Callboard in SW i didnt know where to begin either so i just found a quest giver in Hijal from where i left off before doing the Thrall line and i was led right to all the givers needed to complete this quest line. Good Luck!

    Комментарий от AveryZan

    This worked for me but I can't promiss it will for you. If you dont see these and think you might of already completed skip on to the next.1. Go to the Shrine of Aviana and see if theres a quest to go to the Sethria Roost area2. Head to the Sethria roost area by the npc at the tunnel and finnish all the quests there.3 Turn in the quest at the shrine, do the incents thing Aviana should be checked off4. Look around for a new quest called the Last giving loremaster5. Finnish that quest and the next 5 elemental thing. 6. Head to the Grove of Aessina to turn that in. if a blue beam of light whirls you in the air thats the last one to check off Aessina.I ended at exactly 84 like the person above said, not sure if that matters but hopefully theres a bit of a reference set. good luck

    Комментарий от sweeteagurl00

    i went to start the quest at stormwind. but when i go to hyjai but there are no quest for mr to start off with can someone help me why dont the quest show up for me

    Комментарий от DruidHalen

    "By omglollol (867 – 2·8) on 2011/06/28 (Patch 4.2.0) Report

    You must complete at least 84 out of the 115 quests in Hyjal to be able to start the quests to enter the molten front."


    84 of 115 still not open you have to complete the 4 GIVEN Assist 1-4 not 84 of 115...

    This is on alt 6 havent played in months wasted time in the old republic before hitting 50 and uninstalling that boring pos!

    Комментарий от FaetyrBear

    I'm having problems getting the druid at SW to port me to Moonglade. Also having issues finding any quests in Hyjal at this time. Have dropped and accepted this quest from the Heroes Call board a half-dozen times, and still can't get to Moonglade. Really would like some help, please. Thanks

    Комментарий от itsdangerous

    For people look Aessina quest (horde - call of the ancients)

    find for Ysera in Nordrassil, its start the quest =]

    Комментарий от AuroraRuby

    Okay, so I was quite puzzled by this quest after getting this from the Hero Board in Stormwind, at first and even after reading the comments there still was no question marks appearing in Hyjal. Finally i figured out how to start the chain that completes this quest. After completing a couple of quests in Grove of Aessina I went to The Shrine of Goldrinn, and completed the series of quests around the area. I then went to the Shrine of Aviana, and picked up the next few quests (which seemed to be quite a lengthy chain of quests) I then found the next few (the ones related to Tortolla) at Santuary Of Marlorne which ultimately led me to the last part about Aessina. I think the key to this quest is picking up as many quests around Hyjal as possible, most relate back to one of the 4 that need assistance.

    Комментарий от Lexicoatl

    So I about cried flying around Mt. Hyjal after reading all the comments below trying to figure out how to complete this quest. By chance I flew over the weird symbol directly SW of the Grove of Aessina, and noticed a blue, glowy portal. I decided as a last ditch effort to try to fly through it and voila! Inside the quest Cindermaul, the Poral Master was waiting for me. Apparently I had accidentally abandoned it to make room for something else. Hope this helps some of you that are struggling!

    Happy hunting!

    Комментарий от gaberdine

    I am doing these quests on my alt again but this time my chain has broken somehow and I am still missing Aessina & Tortolla and it was driving me bonkers. Then I remembered the trampoline thingie. If someone is still struggling like me to find the chain (as Ysera will only give advice but no quest), this may be the "missing link":

    Left of the Grove of Aessina is the Whistling Grove where you also get the trampoline achievement. The quest giver there should get you back on track; first you rescue some bear cubs, then slay some fire starters, then you get to go to the Sanctuary of Marlone where you get more quests.

    Hope this helps any lost adventurers!

    Комментарий от ojconcentrate

    I completed some Hyjal quests before reaching level 82 and moving on to a new area. After I got this quest, and helping Thrall, it appeared locked... turns out that i had to complete the quest just north west of the Grove of Aessina where you save some bear cubs from a tree, that led me to completing the Tortola quest and eventually completed this quest.

    Комментарий от Wimbleton

    I thought it odd that the Hero's Call Board would offer this to my 88 DK but maybe there was a chance the XP might be level-appropriate like the fishing and cooking dailies? OK, that was a silly thought, but nostalgia drew me in. Nobody in Mt. Hyjal would give me any quests at all. Not a single one. Nada. Zilch. I realize these days that rudeness has no bounds, but...wow.

    I've done all the Hyjal quests on one alt or another at one time or another and have the Coming Down the Mountain on at least one alt. But not the DK, oddly enough. In fact, she has only done 5 quests in Mt. Hyjal. So...que pasa? I read all the posts and tried everything.

    Now I'd like that time back, please.

    Комментарий от MidwestMafia

    I'm having an issue and wondering if anyone is able to help. I changed fractions (horde to alliance) and I'm not sure if any of my quest lines got broken or weren't reflected upon the change. My current completed is at 74, and my progress for Стражи Хиджала: призыв древних защитников! is that I've assisted Goldrinn and Tortolla. I think I remember completing quests in the Shrine of Aviana on this account prior to changing it over to Alliance. If anyone has any ideas that would be great, Thanks!

    Комментарий от ItalianGoat

    I believe I've already completed the assistance quests but I still got the main quest. There are no quest givers anywhere...what do I do from here? I'm currently at Shrine of Aviana.

    Комментарий от twocows

    As of the current patch, I'm able to pick up this quest in Ironforge as HORDE. I don't know if this is unique to me, but I submit it as a bug.

    Комментарий от SnuggyFoo

    Just as an FYI for those that may be looking for quests in Mount Hyjal at max level, remember to turn the map tracker for low-level quests on. I was wondering where the heck my quests were before I realized I didn't have it on, figured maybe others may have made my goof. c:

    Комментарий от Timothy003

    If you're looking to unlock the portal to Hyjal, travel to Moonglade and do the quest Пока горит Хиджал. You can use Телепортация: Лунная поляна if you're a druid.

    Комментарий от Ashaniel

    You may have to do Защитить мировое древо before you can do the ancients. I had to complete that before i got Возвращение Древних which finally let me start on the ancients questline.

    Комментарий от SherylJ

    I have seen many comments on how to do this quest, and where to pick up all the parts of it, but mine says completed and ready for turn-in. I can't figure out where I turn it in. If anyone knows, thanks in advance :-)

    Комментарий от Elynetjuh

    Aviana assisted -> For the people who can't find a way to assist Aviana: Go to skylord omnuron in Shrine of Aviana (on the highest floor of the building) for the next quest. I was looking for hours to find that quest.Aessina assisted -> Speak to Ysera at Nordrassil in Hyjal (i think it's only possible after completing Aviana)


    Древнерусские воины-защитники. 4-й класс

    Разделы: МХК и ИЗО, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

    Презентация к уроку

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    Внимание! Предварительный просмотр слайдов используется исключительно в ознакомительных целях и может не давать представления о всех возможностях презентации. Если вас заинтересовала данная работа, пожалуйста, загрузите полную версию.

    Тема года: Каждый народ – художник.

    Тема блока: Древние города нашей земли.

    Тема урока: Древнерусские воины-защитники.

    Цель: познакомить учащихся с образом древнерусского воина-богатыря, с особенностями его воинских доспехов.


    • образовательные: сформировать понятие о древнерусском воине;
    • воспитательные: прививать интерес к истории своего народа, воспитывать чувства гражданственности, патриотизма, любви и гордости к русскому народу, к Русской земле.
    • развивающие: развивать восприятие, творческие способности учащихся.

    Класс: 4.

    Место данного урока: 1-й урок по теме.

    Тип урока: урок изучения нового материала.

    Ожидаемый результат: учащиеся должны обобщить материал и создать творческую работу : изображение образа богатыря.

    Методы обучения: объяснительно-иллюстративный с использованием ИКТ, фронтальный опрос, инструктаж, практическая работа.

    Межпредметные связи: окружающий мир, литература.

    Оборудование и материалы: ПК, проектор, презентация PowerPoint , бумага белая А4, цветные карандаши, простой карандаш.

    Форма познавательной деятельности: творческая, продуктивная.

    Зрительный ряд: репродукции картин (В.Васнецова, И.Билибина, П.Корина, Н.Булычева, рисунки, и т.д.).

    План урока:

    1. Организационный момент (эмоциональный настрой).
    2. Работа по теме урока.
    3. Практическая работа.
    4. Анализ работ учащихся.
    5. Итог урока.

    Ход урока

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    Какие они были древние Русские воины защитники?


    Исторические летописи однозначно указывают на то, что в отношении военных и технических вопросов, древние славянские воины были недостаточно оснащены и осведомлены в военных вопросах. В лучшую сторону ситуация изменилась, когда на их территории заселились русы. Историки считают, что именно с ними и появились на вооружении у славян новые элементы вооружения, защиты.

    Археологи не раз находили на раскопках даже детские, миниатюрные мечи – скорее всего они служили игрушками. Но как знать. Например, детский меч из дерева, шириной в 6 см., длиной в 60 см., нашли при раскопках в Старой Ладоге и все это указывает на то, что уже с малых лет они приучали собственных чад к оружию, обучая основным навыкам защиты, наступления. С 10 века у печенегов древние славяне стали закупать лошадей, обученных участвовать в военных баталиях.


    А какая же была одежда и амуниция древнего воина?

    Древнерусские воины переняли у печенегов большинство навыков военных баталий с участием конницы, помимо этого заимствовали и соответствующую одежду и амуницию, которая была необходима для вооруженного всадника. На тот период времени самым распространенным оружием были именно сабли и кистени, штены и кафтаны. Если же говорить о кафтанах – их шили из шерстяного полотна, а вот о шароварах историки находят упоминание в документах, датированных 10 веком.

    В своей основе боевую тактику, которую практиковали древние русичи, было использование против легко вооруженного всадника своих достаточно тяжело экипированных воинов. Именно такая тактика и стала причиной того, что войско стало более мобильным и легким, гибким – именно так тяжелые мечи были сменены на сабли, воины пересели на коней. В этом можно собственно убедиться, если посмотреть на древние картины, изображающие древнерусских воинов того времени.

    А какие были у них доспехи?

    Тело древнерусского воина того времени украшали металлические пластины – они могли быть круглыми или квадратными, продолговатыми. Пластины имели на себе дырки и именно через них, при помощи крепких нитей или же кожаных ремешков их и крепили на полотняные рубахи ли кожаные жилеты. Такое себе подобие кольчуг. Такой всадник в своем вооружении ограничивался кистенем или же булавой и восседая на коне мог сверху вниз наносить сокрушительные удары по врагам.

    Уже в 12 веке более популярным вооружением у древних славян на вооружение был заимствован и шлем – так оборудованный маской с прорезями для глаз он защищал голову и лицо всадника от ударов и делал его практически неуязвимым для врага.

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    Старый защитник - НИП - World of Warcraft


    Комментарий от Bleach

    These mobs can only be encountered during the quest By the Light of the Stars. Once you pick up the seventh Suspended Starlight, they phase away.

    It should be noted that they have very little hp compared to other mobs of this level, yet they still have normal loot tables*. These may be the best source of Embersilk Cloth in the game. However, Blizzard may change this, since they don't like it when players that keep a quest in their log have a distinct advantage over players who have already completed the quest.

    *I doubt their cloth drop chance is %50, though. It was closer to %15 for me. I cleared the room multiple times, until a blue BoE dropped.

    Комментарий от molinator11

    Currently immune to all AOE attacks.

    Комментарий от ez100

    Were being farmed for embersilk cloth.

    Bliz made them immune to aoe and lowered drop rates.

    *sad face* D:

    Комментарий от TheRealAlas

    Can't be frozen, so kinda frustrating for frost mages. They run fast too and can interrupt so take care when aggroing bit too many....

    Комментарий от Xyrec

    A rogue's worst enemy, you can't even get away from them when you use Vanish... Sigh.

    Комментарий от 236yfpjkjhd

    Excellent targets for grinding Embersilk Cloth on. Very low health for their level, they're neutral as long as you don't provoke them, high spawnrate and fair droprate on the cloth, at least if you're a tailor and get the extra cloth drop bonus. Just avoid the skeletons scattered about the place (unless you feel like killing those also of course.)

    Unfortunately these guys are phased, so once you collect 7 of those starlight drops you need for the quest you'll never be able to harvest these guys again. Stay at 6 and grind for as long as you can stomach, then pick the 7th and go on with your life... :)

    Комментарий от Zorvius

    They are just some annoying mobs. End of story.

    Комментарий от sterfried

    I'm surprised no one has mentioned how easy these are to farm Сундучок с сокровищами. Since they are "neutral", not hostile, on my 84 rogue I'm able to stealth open on them and destroy them in about 5 seconds without taking much damage. They drop cloth, money, greys and the occasional Сундучок с сокровищами.

    Of course you need a Зелье поиска сокровищ

    Комментарий от Sagira

    Also the only mobs I know of nice enough to greet you when you try to stab them.

    Комментарий от Borelia

    And to top it all off, these guys are somehow *not* undead. They're humanoid.

    You'd think with the clear ghost effect they'd be susceptible to pally crits, but noooooo.

    Комментарий от cyberdreck

    I was able to farm alot of cloth with my tailor, I don't know about other toons. I may not turn this in right away, if I don't find somewhere else to farm stacks of embersilk.I did manage in one week of farming to make about 60 bolts.It appears the drop rate isn't as steady, i was averaging 1 per 2 kills on my tailor or there might have been a nerf done.

    Комментарий от marionette77

    This is an excellent embersilk farming spot for a tailor. They have low hp, respawn very quickly and drop a fair amount of cloth. One trip around the room gave me 3 stacks and I didn't even kill every mob in sight. Since they're only visible to those with the quest, nearly all of the time I have the room completely to myself. The only irritation is avoiding the skeletons on the floor. They will still pop up and attack and they drop nothing, not even coins.

    I never finished the quest and have kept it in my log just to have access to these guys. The drop rate is not as spectacular as it was when I was here at level 82 but I have kept the quest since these mobs are not aggressive, I seem to have almost exclusivity to the spot and these things die very easily. All of these things seem to combat the slightly lower drop rate that I'm experiencing at level 85.

    Now I'll just sit back and wait for some sort of nerf in the future.

    Edit: I recently switched from frost to fire and found this spot more difficult due to the knockdown these mobs use. I also revisited this spot with my shaman that is not a tailor, and the cloth drop rate was horrible.

    Комментарий от Edeta

    They might not have alot of HP, but they hit like a truck :x

    Комментарий от Kiputytto

    I was pleasantly surpriesd at the drop rate of Угольный шелк. Anywhere from 1-4 cloth at a time. They are an easy kill as well, at least for my shadow priest. I cast two Пронзание разума and then my instant cast Взрыв разума and their dead. I don't think I'll be finishing this quest anytime soon.

    Комментарий от adeball

    These ones have 3 abilities when you mind controll them. Most notable is the Roundhouse kick.

    Комментарий от Eillesthis

    Before Звездный свет you can see a few these Indentured Protectors wandering around the Chamber of the Stars. Once you accept that quest, and receive the Сапфировые очки (which don't need to be equipped), you can see many many more (in addition to the Взвесь звездного светаs).

    Комментарий от AngelaNZ

    They aren't affect by frost nova, and usually two seem to become hostile at once. Simply clear the area first, to around 40 yards/meters around the star and you won't have any problems with them.


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