Древняя жаровня задание wow. Что тут происходит?
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Древние статуэтки. Древняя жаровня задание wow

World of Warcraft Quest: Хватай Углеборода! (id=25757)

World of Warcraft Quest: Хватай Углеборода! (id=25757)

Версия прохождения: 6.2.3 (Warlords of Draenor) WoWhead: http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=25757 Раздобудьте предложение Альянса.

World of Warcraft Quest: Where's Synge? (Horde)

World of Warcraft Quest: Where's Synge? (Horde)

http://www.QuestVideos.de/ Find Synge at the Southsea Holdfast in Thousand Needles.

World of Warcraft Quest: Отступать некуда (id=24546)

World of Warcraft Quest: Отступать некуда (id=24546)

Версия прохождения: 6.2.3 (Warlords of Draenor) WoWhead: http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=24546 Захватите нейтральный холм в Кровавых полях...

World of Warcraft Quest: Сила Часовых (id=25333)

World of Warcraft Quest: Сила Часовых (id=25333)

Версия прохождения: 6.2.3 (Warlords of Draenor) WoWhead: http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=25333 Интерфейс SyncUI: ...

World of Warcraft Quest Guide: The Ancient Brazier ID: 25762

World of Warcraft Quest Guide: The Ancient Brazier ID: 25762

Simple demonstration showing how to perform the above mentioned quest. Quest ID: 25762 Alternative Names in different Languages: English: The Ancient ...

Квест Древняя жаровня (The Ancient Brazier) World fo Warcraft (WoW)

Квест Древняя жаровня (The Ancient Brazier) World fo Warcraft (WoW)

Кто тут у нас? Пришел выклянчить наши земли сладкими речами да обещаниями? Меня не проведешь. Не первый...

The Ancient Brazier (Древняя жаровня)

The Ancient Brazier (Древняя жаровня)

World of warcraft quests walkthrough. Wow quests how to do. Задания вов и как их выполнять The Ancient Brazier Древняя жаровня Die uralte Kohlenpfanne.

World of Warcraft Quest: Древняя жаровня (id=25762)

World of Warcraft Quest: Древняя жаровня (id=25762)

Версия прохождения: 6.2.3 (Warlords of Draenor) WoWhead: http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=25762 Интерфейс SyncUI: ...

World of Warcraft Quest: Древняя жаровня (id=25762)

World of Warcraft Quest: Древняя жаровня (id=25762)

Версия прохождения: 6.2.3 (Warlords of Draenor) WoWhead: http://ru.wowhead.com/quest=25762 Разожгите древнюю жаровню и раздобудьте священ...


Что тут происходит? - Задание

Комментарий от Frag971

How do i Investigate the Building? Nothing seems to happen.

EDIT: After abandoning and trying about three times the trigger seems to work. I feel this was a phasing issue.

Комментарий от Rustick

Got same problem. UI reload and logout/login helped.

Комментарий от crazy4ever

Tried to logout the game and Abandon the quest over 10 to investigate the building, but it din't work. (Yes tried the back entrance)

Eventually I gave up and just used my mount and kept walking into the frontdoor from outside in different positions and that triggered the next step.

Комментарий от mikezf

After abandoning then re-acquiring the quest I got to the investigate the book part and Marlan spawned right behind me. He wasn't there the first go round so just abandon and go through the steps again till he shows up.

Комментарий от flamingpools

How do you investigate the Rotunda? I am inside the building from the back and nothing happens. Or is it something else I need to do?

Комментарий от Tomon

So I decided to investigate more thoroughly (abandoned quest several time just for this purpose).After talking with the 5 members1) Brazier: Right in the middle of the square with four casters working on it. Need to be clicked on.2) Building: This part seems to be very problematic. The place you need to visit is the front door with the two guards. Try to get as close to the door as possible (even running into them). If that doesn't help -> Logout -> Log back in and visit the door once again. Relog worked for me every time3) Rotunda: Just on the right side of the Building (if you're looking at it entrance) a little up the hill. You need to stand before the burning book. Once again relog helps if it's not triggered but this worked most of the time for me (problem encountered only once)4) Book: Just click on the burning book. This will spawn Marian Blackfire

Комментарий от vusys

Walking against the front door of the building seemed to work for me.

Комментарий от Malvenue

This quest is buggy as @#$%. If the book at the end is on fire, don't click on it. If you see the corpse of Marlon, don't click on it. If you have to abandon it and can't get the building to complete, try walking around to the back of it.

The quality control on these quests for this expansion has been abysmal.

Комментарий от CzechCloud

This quest is currently bugged and sometimes cant be finished. I submited a ticket and we will see.

Комментарий от Tsintiah77

I just wanted to let you all know tthat the building has a back door, and a cog. :)

Комментарий от Siofral

As of this posting it's still horribly buggy. I have the quest open (can see the gray ? on the quest giver), I've investigated the Rotunda, must still investigate the book but . . . it's not in my quest log. I kid you not . . . it is not there. No clue what I'm going to do about the book. It's been burning every time I've checked back.

Комментарий от heiselbreg

1. dismount2. don't blink3. walk slowly and let her catch up with you regularily

this worked for me

Комментарий от livanamako

Why do I do this? Left the quest area. Oh well. This one is easy with coords: Goto 64.9 32.8 in Azsura. If you don't have coords from addon or macro, going to Felblaze Ingrit flightpoint in Azsura will get you close. Just go south and follow the small eastward bend in the road. This will get you back on track.

Комментарий от Trustbuster

Summary: Being in a party likely causes some of the phasing issues. If you are in a group, you may need to drop group, drop the quest, and complete the objectives again.

Detailed Findings: I was on my shaman in a party with a mage. She was able to start the quest and complete objectives, but Marlan Blackfire did not spawn. I dropped group, but the NPC still did not spawn. The mage dropped the quest and did it over, and it worked. We regrouped, and it bugged out the next phase of the quest, too. Dropping group and the quest again fixed the issue.

Комментарий от Boxofbeer

You have to talk with five random npcs in the area and investigate some objects across the camp.
  • Brazier, located at 65 33 point.
  • Next task will be investigate the building at 62.8 32.5 point.
  • Next one is investigatin the Rotunda, coordinates are 66.4 33.5.
  • Examine the Exotic book at 66.5 33.6 point.
  • Finally, Марлан Блэкфайр will appear and attack you, defeat him to finish the quest
Что тут происходит? — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thIc4iKQcMM

This quest is a part of Маг class hall quest campaign. Full chain is under the spoiler, you can check your progress through it:

Комментарий от Nalumis

Part of the Маг class order hall campaign. For details and the full quest line see the comments about Маг.

Комментарий от injunuity

this is more an FYI of what not to do;i hadn't done this in awhile on the char that's in the upcoming screenshot (that' pending approval). the backdoor to the building opens when you click on it. HOWEVER, you don't get credit for doing it.as prev steps gave, i had to abandon quest, redo it following the comments, and then it let me complete it when clicking the burning book. Marian came running up, killed her, got credit. moved on to next quests aftwards.

Комментарий от Jimbofult

I spoke to lots of sparkly people on the grounds but they just walked off, commenting that someone had to evaluate my gift before they could accept it. (You MUST do this part first)

I spoke to the guards at the front door of the headquarters building; but they just walked off, commenting that someone had to evaluate my gift before they could accept it. Esara complained that "there's a fel rune locking that door". I couldn't interact with the door or anything on either side of the building.

I examined the brazier and received credit. I didn't realize until then that I needed to examine specific areas of the grounds. (You MUST do this part second)

I went up the hill to the rotunda building, tried to interact with the book and the seats - no luck....

I ran back down the hill and around to the back of the headquarters building. I was able to click on the back door, which opened it. I ran inside and couldn't find anything to click on, so I left out the back door.

I ran back around to the front door. The guards had returned. Esara complained again about the fel rune, and then I received the credit for examining the building. (This MUST be done after the previous two steps)

I went back to the rotunda and could interact with the book, which caused Marian to appear, get mad and rush up. We killed her, laughed at her corpse, /dance and then went merrily on our way.... (You can't complete this step until you've done the others)

Комментарий от Contmotore

Seems a bit bugged, after clicking the exotic book Марлан Блэкфайр didn't show up...Had to abandon the quest and redo it. Wasn't on my flying mount this time, and Марлан Блэкфайр showed up. Not 100% sure it was because of that.


Древние статуэтки - Задание - World of Warcraft

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Я хотел бы дать тебе поручение, |3-6().

Я на своей маленькой лодочке плыл над затопленными руинами Зорама, когда на меня напали наги, выныривая из воды и вцепляясь в меня когтями! Остальное неважно – главное, что мне удалось сбежать.

Беда в том, что я археолог, и прибыл сюда для того, чтобы раздобыть кое-какие артефакты затопленного города.

Может быть, ты отправишься вместо меня на северо-запад, к Зорамскому взморью, и отыщешь какие-нибудь древности? Не хочу напрасно подвергать себя опасностям.

Have you found the statuette, <name>?

You found it!  Thank you, !

The old city of Zoram holds many secrets, and this statuette may be the key to many of them.


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