Warcraft древние боги. Третий том «Хроники Варкрафт»: новая информация о Древних Богах
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Третий том «Хроники Варкрафт»: новая информация о Древних Богах. Warcraft древние боги

Бразилия - Бельгия 1:2. Полный ОБЗОР матча // ЧМ по футболу

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Третий том «Хроники Варкрафт»: новая информация о Древних Богах

Комментарий от NightRisen

on 2018-03-27T13:45:21-05:00

Azshara was ALWAYS a servant of the Old Gods. Everyone pretty much knew that. She and her people were literally turned into serpent sea people by dark magic...who else but the old god under the tides? Yes Azshara is evil by nature and will do what she wants but her wicked mind lines up with N’zoths. Can people stop crying about it? Those same people never understood epic lore characters like Azshara anyway if they’re surprised by this not new information.

Комментарий от FnordCola

on 2018-03-27T13:48:13-05:00

In Maraudon you fight the daughter of Therazan who's has turned mad because of the loss of her husband with whom she created the centaurs. Her despair turned the centaurs against one another. And after cataclysm, we learn that the legion was using the centaur clans against each other. But wait Chronicle 3 now has information! Let's reckon the hell out of everything and Old gods are actually the bad guys that you knew they were!

I mean it's not as if the connection between the Old Gods and the elemental lords is news, that's been established since at least the Warcraft 3 manual. And the pre-patch event for Cata made it clear that Theradras was still in cahoots with them and Deathwing. All in all the stuff with the centaur isn't even a retcon, more a spelling-out of things in the game and backstory that people who read between the lines already knew.

Комментарий от Joshmaul

on 2018-03-27T14:05:11-05:00

Azshara is no shock. I pretty much pegged her transformation as an Old God thing the moment I read the last book of the War of the Ancients trilogy. The fact that N'Zoth has been up to this point a more-or-less silent actor makes it even more terrifying than the other three Old Gods; while invoked by name quite a bit during the Cataclysm, it has not really made its presence known "in person". Although C'Thun did not make its presence known really all that much outside of Ahn'Qiraj either, not like Yogg-Saron, whose influence covers at least half of Northrend (and lets you know it, too - Whisper Gulch in the Howling Fjord, Vordrassil in the Grizzly Hills, so on). And of course, Y'Shaarj, even in death, still the center of attention with the Sha and the whole mess with Siege of Orgrimmar.

As for Med'an, he always struck me as being like somebody's RP character when they expect all in sundry to bow before them - not quite unlike this fool who plays on my RP server who tried to roleplay their character as the Highlord of the Silver Hand and wielder of the Ashbringer and expected us to just accept it, because "it's my character and I demand that you respect how I play it". And honestly, while I found the ending for Cataclysm anti-climactic due to the major deus ex machina in the form of Thrall and the timey-wimey Dragon Soul, there is some small consolation that Thrall kinda got his comeuppance later on. His moment of PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER! (though not quite an itty bitty living space) was brief, it's over, and as time went on, he became virtually irrelevant. I mean, does he ever re-appear after the whole business with the Doomhammer (him losing it if you didn't decide to go Enhancement as a shaman, and him saying "it's better for you than for me" if you did)? I don't remember seeing him after that.

Комментарий от JaceDraccus

on 2018-03-27T14:07:10-05:00

I don't think I like Azshara being another Old God related baddie rather than just a horrible person. It's fine to have some villains that aren't related to some cosmic powers, y'know?

Yeah, but I'm pretty sure it was already established that when the Well of Eternity broke some outside power saved her and her people, turning them into naga. Looks like that would be N'Zoth.

Not really a big surprise.

Комментарий от Arraya

on 2018-03-27T14:20:11-05:00

Anything Old God related is always interesting. I'm so happy Med'an is retconned though, off with his head!

Комментарий от Chaxton

on 2018-03-27T14:26:53-05:00

Instead of retcons, why not just avoid making bad stuff? Everything I've read about Medan was bad; he sounded like the worst kind of fanfiction that got forced in because of someone's fetish. As for N'Zoth, it's nice that he is a smart monster instead of a ridiculous one that just throws its weight around like a bumbling idiot (literally EVERY old god related boss, basically). Though it does tie up a bunch of loose ends, and gives us a humorous retelling of how it was all according to plan, it's still pretty dumb no matter how you look at it. It's just fanfiction given canon status; people speculated this kind of nonsense so long ago, and now it's real. Of course, this begs the most important question;

WHY NOT PUT GAME LORE IN THE GAME IT IS MEANT FOR INSTEAD OF A CASH GRAB BOOK? The most infuriating part of this entire thing is that it's wasted in a worthless book, rather than in the very game that all of this should be taking place in. The only acceptable game books are instruction manuals and magazines like Game Informer and Nintendo Power. Drives me nuts that the books exist and are required reading if you want to know what is going on, and why the lore is suddenly pants on head stupid in the newest expansion. Huge plot holes are terrible, no exceptions.

Комментарий от urielvazquez

on 2018-03-27T14:32:42-05:00

I don't get why everyone is so upset about everything being a brilliant long-term scheme by the Old Gods.

I mean, people doing stuff because the Old Gods were pulling the strings does not necessarily mean they aren't acting on their own accord; I mean, the naga and Azshara could have been under the Old Gods' influence but still join Illidan and the Blood Elves because they felt some kind of bond to them.

We know the naga became naga because of N'zoth, that's never been a secret, it has always been said that the group of elves led by Azshara were twisted by the Old Gods, and the Old God related to the sea has always been N'zoth. Is it so hard to think that maybe the whispers of this Old God have driven the naga to do what they have done since they were introduced?

Old Gods have been working in the shadows for a long time now, and have been a part of every single major event in Azeroth. It makes sense that every single thing that happened has been influenced in some way by them.

As of Med'an... I didn't hate his character per se, but he would not fit the current lore. It would not make sense that he made an appearance in the game now. I'm glad they finally removed.

Now, if they would tell us why they didn't bring Wrathion back for Legion after all the build up they made about him in Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria...

Комментарий от dumenc

on 2018-03-27T14:36:00-05:00personally I don't like these overly large god-like "big bad" story lines. Azshara was a pretty solid villian as is. Making her an old god servant...maybe it's just me, but it feels it cheapens the character. Also confuses me that It had her send naga to help illidan take out arthas? why? having the undead overwhelm the planet would have fit into whole "destroy all life" thing. Sure, being corpses does make the undead immune to the old god whispers but wasn't that their end goal anyways? I guess I don't understand the motivations of the old gods. It's like the fight between them and the burning legion. void lords wanted to destroy all life for entropic reasons and sent out the old gods to do so. sargeras freaked out and proceeded to stop the void by...ending all life to put the universe in a cold dead state? you'd think the void guys would just sit back and laugh "oh no, sargeras, please don't do that!"

I don't know, I just feel like blizzard tends to drop the ball on these grand scale story lines. they do so well with the smaller scale ones. Even the expansions people didn't like as much (cata and wod seemingly being the two big ones), the smaller scale story lines in individual zones were so very fleshed out and well done in comparison. Personally, I liked the small zone-centric stories in wod very much. Legion's was well done as well (even if the constant deaths of characters upset a lot of people hehe). But once they bring the godlike entities into the picture, it comes with a lot of random plot holes. We don't have to have godlike entities to keep the story interesting. Supposed minor villians are just as good, potentially better since you can give them more story to work with that won't end with them being overpowered. Vancleef is a classic example. Almost took out stormwind and he was just a guy. Guldan is another. Incredibly powerful, but he had weaknesses that made the back and forth between him and the player character (at least, to me) feel interesting (honestly, I felt that he was handled the way Arthas should've been done during wotlk. Both had a major presence as you quested. Arthas would just monologue and walk away though, whereas guldan felt more involved. And I really liked that, he felt powerful but not overly so. A solid antagonist for the player). They weren't just "I'm a god so you die now unless you somehow don't".

Not upset about medan being gone though. his concept wasn't bad, but the way he was created...well, he was one of those overly large characters that bring with him a ton of plot holes. Thrall became like that during cata after all, and he had to be retroactively fixed with a bandage "the elements won't listen to be after draenor's events" (which is sloppy storytelling, but it beats the alternative of keeping him godlike). Perhaps they can bring back a similar concept in the future, but not so "overpowered". That's not fun storytelling.

Sargeras want to "reset" the universe, to avoid the Void Lords corruption.The Void Lords didn't want everithing destroyed, just corrupted, they want to corrupt a Titan, thats the whole point for the "Old Gods".

Комментарий от Ridikulous

on 2018-03-27T14:56:14-05:00

I think people are confusing influence for servitude.

Some worship the Old Gods.

Some are just very lightly steered in the direction N'zoth needs them to be.

This isn't a case of "Everyone was mindcontrolled!"

It's more political than supernatural.

Комментарий от Searinox

on 2018-03-27T15:07:25-05:00

Old gods are really just evil and their character is just that. They are cool as mysterious entities, but honestly that is slowly being taken away from them. They also seem to be the cause of every single tidbit now which is a bit over kill. A villain can be their own thing and doesn't need to be corrupted or influenced by the old gods to be evil. I find it is far more interesting for them to develop into that role themselves.

Every villain is just connected to the void now and old gods is what caused it. I don't think this is great story telling and I honestly find it a much worse version of the old lore. Of course this is just my opinion and feel free to disagree.

"Coll as musterious entities" dont work anymore, nothing stay hidden forrever. Its bound to happen now that we defeated the BL and they are the next in line as a treath. The holes in lore/story have to be filled. They staying "mysterious" is not "cool" or good in anyway.

And remember.... Azeroth is the "last" titan and they want that really, reeeeeally bad. So its not farfetch'd that they have finger in almost every $%^& happening.

Комментарий от Shirohane

on 2018-03-27T16:03:38-05:00

They should have kept Med'an. I still don't get the outrage over him. How is Thrall in Cataclysm any different than Med'an?

He's absolutely no different, and that's absolutely not an excuse. Thrall should be written out as well. He basically has been at this point, actually.

Комментарий от Cyberium

on 2018-03-27T16:04:01-05:00

So how did Aegwynn die? In the comic she died to protect her grandchild.

I am extremely disturbed by Blizz's action against Med'an. Unpopular as he was, you can't just retcon or remove a character, part of history, simply because s/he wasn't popular enough. They did that with Illidan prior to Legion, try to make him a more appealing person than in the original lore, it's annoying.

History is full of people and events we like and dislike, erasing your own creation base on popularity is disrespectful to it, almost like a FB user try to delete an unpopular post instead of OWNING the mistake. Just accept Med'an was a bad character, his story dull, and we could move on for the better.

Комментарий от Gronker

on 2018-03-27T16:04:38-05:00

I think it's kinda weird that medan is completely out of the picture now.

Wasn't he a character introduced in the comics? Why is it weird he's out of the picture?

Комментарий от Cyberium

on 2018-03-27T16:11:45-05:00

I think it's kinda weird that medan is completely out of the picture now.

Wasn't he a character introduced in the comics? Why is it weird he's out of the picture?

Because with Med'an out, there's not explanation on how Aegwynn died.

Комментарий от angeleyed

on 2018-03-27T16:14:17-05:00

....Soon the hour of twilight will arrive and all will usher in our coming.... oups sorry how was your day? Need some help against the legion? Can you summon me please because my character is stuck in Nyalotha?

Комментарий от wowrior

on 2018-03-27T16:46:24-05:00

Look, after dealing with the Legion and killing the stronger Old Gods, I cannot take N'zoth as a bigger threat. Only reason he is even a threat now is because the stupid faction war restarting ''By his design'' I bet.

That ''Just as planned'' crap from Old Gods getting really old.

Комментарий от Putridpiranha

on 2018-03-27T17:17:42-05:00

It's lame that so many races/characters are discovered to just be bad guys just cuz of old gods. Azshara isn't news but now everyone else and their grandmas have jumped on the big evil bandwagon.

Prefer it more if some of them are antagonists due to their own nature or story rather than just "they spilled old god juice on their shirts."

More and more it implies that Azeroth would be completely peaceful and no one would feel "bad" emotions and no conflict would ever arise if there weren't old gods, which is really boring in a game where conflict drives everything we do.

Also, retcons = worse storytelling than the bad storytelling that they wanted to retcon. Medan was pretty dumb, but deleting a character and the story around that character (which bleeds into other characters) is just frustrating and unsatisfying. To me, anyways.

Комментарий от Valliecane

on 2018-03-27T18:19:18-05:00

Like a lot others have said, the whole "OLD GODS ARE BEHIND EVERYTHING" feels VERY forced.That said, I would never have thought they would do something as beautiful as 404 Me'dan, so maybe there is hope.

Комментарий от greenegg

on 2018-03-27T18:53:55-05:00

hah, illidan was an old god puppet.

although, I am wondering, what war would illidan destroying the lich king cause? are they refering to that "the scourge would go crazy without a leader" thing? because at the time all this was happening, the horde and alliance were pretty peaceful, having just worked together to defeat the legion on kalimdor.

Комментарий от Kananera

on 2018-03-27T20:58:06-05:00

I'm not against the fact that N'Zoth is behind... Almost everything in wow, when it is not some other Old God or Old god servants... But i would prefer it to me... I dunno... More subtle than just "He did this, and this, then this, and this..."

Azshara, Arthas, Illidan, etc... They all have their own agenda. I don't feel like, by being used by an old god, have this taken away... They all do things according to their own desires without, for most of them, knowing that they are playing into the palm of a God's hand, inside a major scheme. N'Zoth is, after all, a god. He lived for thousand of years, knowing so much more than what a human - for exemple - would understand in a hundred years. For the same reason, when Chronicles say he is "responsible" for the quilboars and such, I don't think it retcons what was already said in game... Yes, they were created by the daughter of Therazane that went mad ( you know, madess, one of the old gods favorite tools ), and yes, they were then used by the Legion... But it can easily be seen as another work of N'zoth in the background, shapping things how he wants.

N'Zoth is, after all, a God. I have no problem with him being all cosmic-wide-planning-like... But it is not what is told here which bugs me, but more how it is told. It is just poorly written, splashed into our faces... And this is kinda meh.

Old gods tends to follow like an hommage - even if now it feels more like a simple "I copy this but change it a little" - to H.P. Lovecraft Mythos... It's too bad they didn't caught-up with his way to describe the inexpressible to do it.


Третий том «Хроники Варкрафт»: новая информация о Древних Богах

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Мотивы Древних Богов

Ранее мы узнали, что Древние Боги создали драконов Бесконечности и осквернили Изумрудный Сон. Хотя это и не новость, мы также узнали, что среди козней Древних Богов — меньшие угрозы во времена классического WoW, например, свинобразы, кобольды и кентавры. Именно Древние Боги отвечали за повсеместное чувство хаоса и разжигали пламя конфликта между фракциями.

Это подкрепляется словами Чо'Галла:

Примерный перевод

От него также требовалось оберегать Древнего Бога от Альянса и от Орды. Одолев К'Туна, фракции доказали, что никто не может встать у них на пути, если они отбросят различия и объединятся.

Чо'Галл не позволит этому свершиться вновь.

Мы не можем не предполагать того, что стремительно развивающийся конфликт между фракциями в дополнении Battle for Azeroth и то, как Альянс и Орда намерены стереть друг друга с лица земли, прекрасно вписывается в планы Древних Богов.


История Чо'Галла слегка изменилась с исчезновением из истории Мед'ана, сына Гароны. В третьем томе «Хроники Варкрафт» Мед'ан подвергся реткону, а в содержании книги ему присвоена отметка «404». Как итог, история Гароны осталась практически той же, что и прежде, следуя основным вехам, но несколько иным путями.

Ранее (прим. пер.: до реткона), Мед'ан столкнулся с Чо'Галлом в Ан'Кираже и одолел огра с помощью Совета Тирисфаля, воссозданного Атиеша, Мерила и Эгвин. Огр был погребен под обломками , вырвавшись на поверхность во времена Катаклизма и выступив в роли заключительного босса рейда «Сумеречный Бастион».

Тем не менее, в Хрониках, Чо'Галл имеет более интересную историю — он вознамерился пробудить Древнего Бога. В этом деле Чо'Галлу ставила палки в колеса Гарона, убившая множество его последователей. Заманив и пленив Гарону, огр вновь сосредоточился на своей миссии, отправившись в Ан'Кираж и с помощью могущественного ритуала разбил оковы К'Туна.

Вместо того, чтобы быть погребенным под обломками, во времена событий Burning Crusade, Чо'Галл отправился в Нордскол, где ослабил узы, сковывавшие Йогг-Сарона, многократно усилив Древнего Бога. После он разжег пламя конфликта между Альянсом и Ордой, поручив Гароне напасть на Вариана во время переговоров. Это похоже на существующую историю мира, за исключением деталей о повторной поимке Мед'ана Сумеречным Молотом. Поскольку Мед'ан в истории не представлен, Гарона обязалась работать с Джайной и Эгвин, чтобы узнать больше о Сумеречном Молоте — вместо того, чтобы поделиться информацией только при условии оказания ей помощи в деле спасения сына.


И ранее были намеки на то, что Н'Зот сыграл свою роль в Катаклизме, но теперь из Хроник нам достоверно известно о том, что он был причастен к этим событиям в большей мере, чем принято считать.

Примерный перевод

Укрытый в океане лихорадочных мыслей, среди костей неописуемых ужасов, Н'Зот оставался недосягаем для меча смертных. Древний Бог был уверен, что заступники Азерота будут искать его и попытаются одолеть, как одолели К'Туна и Йогг-Сарона.

Н'Зот не испытывал страха, но ощутил, что представшая перед ним возможность ускользает.

Подтверждено, что Н'Зот ответственен за осквернение Смертокрыла, которого Древний Бог наполнил собственной темной энергией, а позже поручил Сумеречному Молоту выковать для Смертокрыла элементиевую броню, дабы тело бывшего аспекта не разорвало на части.

Примерный перевод

Н'Зот влил свою темную энергию в сердце Смертокрыла, наполнив черного Аспекта драконов силой, не похожей ни на какую другую известную ему. Переизбыток сил сделал его тело еще нестабильнее, а магма, что текла по его венам, была готова вот-вот извергнуться из его тела и полностью поглотить его.

После Н'Зот обратился к Повелителям Стихий. Нептулон и Теразан отвергли его зов, но Ал'акир и Рагнарос решили последовать за Древним Богом.

Высвободив Смертокрыла из Подземья, Н'Зот создал брешь между Обителью Стихий и Азеротом, которая позволила бы Повелителям Стихий попасть в Азерот. Помимо этого, Смертокрыл служил проводником воли Н'Зота, благодаря чему Древний Бог совместно с элементалями и Сумеречным Молотом координировал атаки.

Целью Смертокрыла было стереть с лица мира прочие роды драконов и безраздельно властвовать над Азеротом, однако втайне Н'Зот планировал убрать Смертокрыла после того, как Темная Империя обретет прежнее величие.

Когда Смертокрыл обрел свободу и повсюду начал сеять разрушение, Штормград был примечательной целью. Мы узнали, что целью атаки было не уничтожение города, но взращивание страха в сердцах горожан, что мог бы убедить их присоединиться к Сумеречному Молоту.

Раскол придал сил многим из членов Сумеречного Молота, живших двойной жизнью, включая и архиепископа Бенедикта. Древние Боги сыграли на его пытливости в деле изучения темной магии и чувстве разочарования от того, что Свет не уберег Артаса от падения, насылая в его сны видения о Часе Сумрака и свободе. Он укрепился во мнении, что Святой Свет деспотичен, а Бездна — естественная форма существования вселенной. Стоя во главе церкви, Бенедикт убедил многих разочаровавшихся жрецов присоединиться к Сумеречному Молоту.

И хотя не все планы Н'Зота можно назвать успешными, он рассчитывал на то, что многие провалятся — достаточно было одного успешного, дабы настал Час Сумрака.

Времена становились все более отчаянными. Аспектам драконов удалось раздобыть Душу Дракона и они решили усилить ее на вершине Храма Драконьего Покоя. В рейде «Душа Дракона» игроки могут стать непосредственными участниками этих событий. Смертокрылу стало известно о этом плане и он собрал под свои знамена огромное войско, включая Безликих, отправленных Н'Зотом. Аспектам драконов удалось отогнать Смертокрыла от Храма, но Н'Зот ответил тем, что наполнил Смертокрыла невероятной силой — настолько великой, что она разорвала тело бывшего аспекта, из которого произросли раскаленные щупальца.

Единственной возможностью сразить усиленного Смертокрыла было обратить силу Души Дракона против него, для чего Аспектам пришлось пожертвовать своей силой.

Королева Азшара

В свете последних рассуждений о том, что Азшара станет рейдовым боссом в Battle for Azeroth и ее вовлеченности в истории, будет интересно узнать о том, что Королева Азшара прислуживает Н'Зоту. Ранее, нам были известны лишь некоторые намеки на это, связанные с дополнением Шепот Древних Богов для Hearthstone.

Выполняя его наказы, Азшара возглавила атаку на Вайш'ир, обрушив подконтрольные ей силы наг против элементалей воды, ведомых Нептулоном, дабы обрести власть над морями.

Также мы получили подтверждение того, что наги присоединились к Иллидану, исполняя волю Древних Богов, а не потому, что были верны ночным эльфам или разделяли их традиции. Древние Боги хотели, чтобы Иллидан преуспел в борьбе с Королем-личом и разжег пламя новой войны в Азероте.

Примерный перевод

Древние Боги заметили Иллидана. Его жажда власти и неоднозначное прошлое привлекли их внимание. Его желание уничтожить Короля-лича могло разжечь пламя новой войны в Азероте — такой, в которой бились бы нежить, страны мира и Легион. При такой неразберихе, сотрясающей Азерот, Чо'Галл и его культисты практически без всякого сопротивления пробудили бы Древних Богов.

Что вы думаете о новой информации, касающейся Древних Богов? Были удивлены? Понравился ли вам реткон истории Чо'Галла с отодвинутым за рамки истории Мед'аном? Сообщество долгое время обсуждало возможность того, что именно Н'Зот стоял за некоторыми событиями, сопровождающими Катаклизм — приятно узнавать что-то новое.

Расскажите нам, о какой части истории мира из новых Хроник нам стоит рассказать! (прим. пер.: на английском).

(Примечания: в публикации имеются реферальные ссылки Amazon. Небольшой процент с приобретенных по этим ссылкам товаров пойдет на покрытие нужд сайта. Благодарим Blizzard за предоставленную копию третьго тома «Хроники Варкрафт».)


Третий том «Хроники Варкрафт»: новая информация о Древних Богах

Комментарий от Deployed

on 2018-03-27T10:56:14-05:00

Just to add to the "why was it ok for Thrall but not for Med'an" discussion (in addition to the point that Cata Thrall did cause similar ire from fans) is that at least Thrall had background. Med'an's story was essentially "here is this unknown entity, turn 12 pages, he's now the master of every form of magic (except fel), he's unstoppable.

Thrall, on the other hand, had game history prior to his Mary Suing where his decisions were never "always right", and in some cases he made mistakes. Then we had the "I'm too humble to accept your powers, dear Dragonflights, oh, no choice, ok then, but I can't multitask so Horde goes to the least experienced Orc in my ranks" which later lead to him being punished by the Elements for his actions on Draenor.

Whilst the main difference may be that Thrall's Cata decisions were made (clear) flaws after the point in which his character was "overwritten", in order to do that to Med'an, he would need a proper introduction in to the game first, including gamifying his comic story in some way. That's a lot of time and effort to fix an out of game problem.

Blizzard appears to have learnt to reign in authors from making such characters, or at least, keeping novel born characters as tertiary to the events and in-game characters. Killing off Krasus and Rhonin went a long way to appeasing novel fans as well.

Комментарий от Pyramus2

on 2018-03-27T10:58:18-05:00i liked almost everything but the part that the naga reached for illidan because of old gods influence. i mean, it seems kinda odd that lady vashj was so fervently loyal to him, to the point to ask for forgiveness to him on her dying moments instead of profess something about her queen azshara, just because "old gods wanted illidan to destroy the lich king".

and even after that, the scourge is gone, why are the nagas of vashj still loyal to the illidari? just because "old gods wanted illidan to destroy sargeras and the burning legion"? meh, to me it was more interesting when the naga had other alliances and connections of their own (like the fel-naga allied to the legion on the broken shore). besides it kinda undermined the possibility of naga as a playable race in the future.

When it comes to them still being loyal, I'd guess being on Outland had something to do with it. I suspect that enormous distance between there and Azeroth ended the influence of N'Zoth on them.

Комментарий от Silmafarion

on 2018-03-27T10:59:23-05:00

He was not the Guardian after they stated the events of the comics still occurred, but he simply didn't get his power boost. Holy magic he had not yet learned, and due to the events of WotLK, I doubt Maraad had time to teach him.

It's shown in the comic that he uses the Light. And yes, Maraad did teach him (he apparently had a "natural affinity" for it).

Комментарий от Mightylorddk

on 2018-03-27T11:01:10-05:00

All these people are crying about Old gods...Azshara, Deathwing, Cho'gal were servants of old gods all along. What's the sudden QQs about them?

Комментарий от Skrauhg

on 2018-03-27T11:03:55-05:00

All these people are crying about Old gods...Azshara, Deathwing, Cho'gal were servants of old gods all along. What's the sudden QQs about them?

People will complain about anything. They demand the story goes their way. That is selfishness incarnate. It is best that such a thing is resisted.

Комментарий от Mightylorddk

on 2018-03-27T11:10:42-05:00

People will complain about anything. They demand the story goes their way. That is selfishness incarnate. It is best that such a thing is resisted.

Gotta love people whining, So Old gods, servants of the Void lords were sent on a quest to corrupt Azeroth, imprisoned and slowly breaking free, you don't expect them to pull the strings on major events to ensure their escape and reach their goal? just for a friendly reminder Void Lords > Burning Legion > Petty quarrels, If you add to the mix their ability to Mind Control , it is totally aceptable and it makes sense, sadly some people expect Blizzard to write the story according to their personal delusional ideas :P

You guys have my salute.

Комментарий от Bloodvalor21

on 2018-03-27T11:11:41-05:00

I don't think I like Azshara being another Old God related baddie rather than just a horrible person. It's fine to have some villains that aren't related to some cosmic powers, y'know?

In this case it makes sense. We've known Old Gods are responsible for her and the naga's changed appearance. It being N'zoth specifically makes sense. He's the only Old God to have any association with the sea. That being said I've long held the theory that Azshara feigns allegiance to N'zoth and truly serves herself and has her own plans and after being nothing more than a pawn to Sargeras, she has no intention of being one again. Maybe her alliance with Zul is more in line with her own goals rather than N'zoth. Just speculation but we'll see.

Комментарий от Sp33dey

on 2018-03-27T11:13:16-05:00

"Cho'gall once again focuses on his mission, making his way to Ahn'Qiraj and breaking C'Thun's chains through a powerful ritual"

Wait, does that mean, that he is succesful in doing so and C'thun's chains are actually BROKEN now?

Комментарий от Deployed

on 2018-03-27T11:15:31-05:00

I'm going to wait until I get my own copy and read everything in context, but I definitely raised an eyebrow at the "Old Gods be corrupting every non-playable race" part, three of the four mentioned, Quillboar, Naga and Kobold have always (in my perception) been linked to Old Gods in one way or another.

It was always alluded that the Highbourne transformed into Naga because of Azshara pledging herself and her people to the Old Gods. This was so expected that I recall people being miffed during Cata that her only appearance was in Darkshore, as they felt she should've had a greater role in the Old Gods expansion.

Kobolds, more of an actualisation of fan theory rather than in-game revelation made forefront, but people have often believed that their fearfulness of the dark (aka, love of candles) was borne from void creatures. It can be seen as indirect manipulation, you know, being guided unwittingly because of their fears rather than being obedient slaves. Need to see if this is how it is portrayed in the book.

Quillboar, definitely a stretch compared to the other two, especially as the hostory of them being who they are because of the spilt blood of a Wild God, the important part there is how blood relates to the Old Gods. In some ways, it makes me think that maybe Wild Gods themselves should owe their existence to the Old Gods, and have the tenuous link go from there, but again, I need to read Blizzard's rationale on that one. I just hope it's not another "secluded race which sleeps in the shadows gets corrupted" scenario, because that is what makes the Twilight Hammer what it is. Why have an entire race/races outside of the Aqir also be this way?

Комментарий от DarkSerena67

on 2018-03-27T11:16:57-05:00

I don't think I like Azshara being another Old God related baddie rather than just a horrible person. It's fine to have some villains that aren't related to some cosmic powers, y'know?

The thing about Azshara that seems different though is that she WAS a bad person before getting involved with Old God stuff. It's less like other villains where she was corrupted by them wholly and more that she's just herself and N'Zoth just happened to be able to give her and her people the power to survive. He's just a means to an end to her most likely. (Of course this is speculation based on what we know of her so far, but still.)

Комментарий от Draccy

on 2018-03-27T11:51:19-05:00

Дань уважения for the fallen.

Комментарий от MaXiiczek

on 2018-03-27T11:59:29-05:00

nothing unexpected to be honest, I like how they sumarized it :) looking forward to future events regarding N'Zoth...

Комментарий от BobbyTheBuilder

on 2018-03-27T12:00:30-05:00They should have kept Med'an. I still don't get the outrage over him. How is Thrall in Cataclysm any different than Med'an? Or any other super hero we've had throughout WoW? Okay, maybe not all were super over powered, but he could have been introduced to the game in a more limited fashion.

Either way, interesting stuff! Cheers!

You do realize that Cataclysm killed Thrall's popularity, right? He was one of the most beloved lore characters before that expansion but got labeled "Green Jesus" and became hated afterwards because of how overused and overpowered he was during that time. Now Thrall can barely make an apperance anymore. Med'an getting the same treatment as Thrall is just consistency among the fanbase. The only character that gets a pass for some reason is Anduin.

Комментарий от Garmheim

on 2018-03-27T12:04:18-05:00

The ultimate problem that these books are attempting to resolve is the patchwork of narratives established so far. WoW has had many inconsistent narrative threads created by the ad hoc needs for a resurrected boss here and there ("X was only a set back!") and, let's be frank, a failure of both narrative and imagination by earlier persona controlling the narrative at Blizzard. The complex and sometimes conflicting narratives come from the multiple sources on which WoW has always been based. The Arthas story line was an inversion of the King Arthur story. Norse Mythology has had a major presence since the Wrath expansion. H. P. Lovecraft's Cthilhu Mythos is the underlying source for the narrative of the Old Gods. The Arthur stories are inconsistent in themselves because of the way they grew and were elaborated on by various writers over several centuries. Similarly, the Norse Myths that have come down to us are internally inconsistent and only a partial version of what the Norse believed and told as stories before the 10th Century. Lovecraft's Mythos is, perhaps, the most consistent thread but that is true only because Lovecraft's primary heir, August Derleth, worked mightily to resolve the multiple contradictions in Lovecraft's original work. One cannot demand a clean, coherent narrative line when game designers are starting with inconsistent original material and developing a game episodically from expansion to expansion.

These new books, as i see them, represent the effort to resolve all the previous, inconsistent narrative threads into one coherent narrative from which to proceed into future expansions. Certainly some characters will drop out and others will loom larger or appear out of nowhere. The result, I suspect, will be a consistent narrative line in Battle for Azeroth and future expansions. To those who are distressed by the elimination or minimization of some favored character, the best advice I can give is, get over it and see how the game plays out in the future.

Комментарий от Skrauhg

on 2018-03-27T12:16:47-05:00They should have kept Med'an. I still don't get the outrage over him. How is Thrall in Cataclysm any different than Med'an? Or any other super hero we've had throughout WoW? Okay, maybe not all were super over powered, but he could have been introduced to the game in a more limited fashion.

Either way, interesting stuff! Cheers!

You do realize that Cataclysm killed Thrall's popularity, right? He was one of the most beloved lore characters before that expansion but got labeled "Green Jesus" and became hated afterwards because of how overused and overpowered he was during that time. Now Thrall can barely make an apperance anymore. Med'an getting the same treatment as Thrall is just consistency among the fanbase. The only character that gets a pass for some reason is Anduin.

But Thrall didn't even do that much in the Cataclysm. For the first part, he was at the Maelstrom with the Earthen Ring trying to contain the damage while adventurers fixed the problems in Deepholm. The patch about the Firelands was his first introduction to the spotlight where he was shattered and saved. What happened to him would not be a measure of his power, but that of what the Old Gods can do to people. During the Dragon Soul, he took the mantle of Earth Warder for a few hours in lore, and all he did was use a weapon that the Dragon Aspects, being dragons, could not. The Dragon Soul is not Thrall's to keep, and does not reflect his personal abilities.

The "Green Jesus" thing is a LIE. People blow things out of proportion because a character gets spotlight in a time that is, frankly, logical. I will resist this ridiculous mindset people have adopted, and I encourage others to do the same.

Комментарий от Romanthony

on 2018-03-27T12:22:50-05:00

Im glad they have gotten rid of Medan so much we didnt need that kind of Mary Sue, If people thought "Green Jesus" was bad, medan was worse. He was a mage, Shame, Warlock, Paladin, Priest and even a warrior so glad he isnt cannon

Комментарий от Soifon

on 2018-03-27T12:38:03-05:00

We have 2 heavily overpowered characters in the lore(actually is not right to say in lore of warcraft because Me'dan is not cannon but you catch what I am trying to say) and seeing them in game would be total bollox.1.Y'shaarj - read his description.He was so overpowered that forced Amanth'ul to act because the Titan's armies couldnt do anything to him.Amanth'ul pulled him out of Azeroth resulting in Y'shaarj dying.Because of his death a massive wound called the Well of Eternity was created(later The Maelstorm) and his remnants AFTER the Shattering caused so many problems (so even dead was so powerful , more powerful than C'thun or Yogg-Saron have ever been combined , that one of his many heads the Sha of Pride shrouded Pandaria in mists).Think a bit how impossible would be for us to kill him.Think a bit that a mere pawn - the Lich King - killed us efortlessly only to be saved and be reinstated in our Mary Sue state.

2. Me'dan - this dude....seriously he is so powerful that would make a boring story and make all other characters useless. Why fight the LK when you can just bring in Me'dan and kill him? Me'dan is so overpowered that it isnt even fun.Why even bother with the Legion when he can single handle it?

Seriously people.....overpowered characters DOES NOT make a story interesting and NO ,Thrall was not overpowered because he was helped by everyone around him.I am surprised people are pissed on Thrall but easily accept Illidan.....I mean seriously - some of you are hypocrites.I mean , come on , stopping a Paladins blade made half out of light with a barehand and you call Thrall an overpowered character which he is not?Want to see overpowered research Me'dan , I did only an elementary and lazy research on him and found in the first lines how overpowered he is.

Комментарий от etheldald

on 2018-03-27T13:00:42-05:00

so basically the naga helping the belfs and make them cut ties with the alliance was an old god plan?.

but i like how n'zoth is not a stupid arrogant villan "I AM UNDEFEATED MUHAHAHA FOOLISH MORTALS"

Комментарий от guardiantitan

on 2018-03-27T13:10:39-05:00

All villains falling under the "Old Gods did it" idea is like every real life evil person being influenced by the same organization. What if every dictator, murderer, tyrant, etc were all controlled by the Illuminati who in turn was controlled by some eviler organization? It's not realistic. It's like how static faction games make no sense and get rather boring. In the past, the US has been friends and enemies with France, Great Britain, Germany, China, Japan, etc. If we were static factions, then the US would be at war with effectively everyone as would every other nation. I'm getting very tired of static faction games. It would be nice to see dynamic factions that change with the story or even with player decisions.

Is it too much to ask that there be some sense of realism? Every murderer doesn't kill another person for the same reason. Every tyrannical leader doesn't take over their country and rule for the same reasons. Every last one is motivated by different goals and reasoning. Blizzard using the Old God excuse is just as bad as "magic did it" when something can't be explained in a fantasy story. In the end, if you know the Old Gods did everything, then the story gets rather boring very quickly. At that point, why not just bring the fight to the Old Gods to just end it instead of continuously going up against lackey after lackey that really does nothing but stretch out the inevitable? Every lackey we've fought up to the point we finally go against the Old Gods is nothing but filler. It reminds me of Dragon Ball Z where I used to joke it took them 5 episodes to do a fight that actually lasts like 5 minutes once you cut out the irrelevant scenes.

Комментарий от Unowhat

on 2018-03-27T13:18:52-05:00

Wait a minute, if the Naga that allied with Illidan did it out of the command of the Old Gods. Wouldn't that mean the ones that are allied with the Demon Hunters are also under N'zoth's will and that they'll turn the instant N'zoth needs them?


Третий том «Хроники Варкрафт»: новая информация о Древних Богах

Комментарий от shefu

on 2018-03-27T09:27:40-05:00

They should have kept Med'an. I still don't get the outrage over him. How is Thrall in Cataclysm any different than Med'an? Or any other super hero we've had throughout WoW? Okay, maybe not all were super over powered, but he could have been introduced to the game in a more limited fashion.

Either way, interesting stuff! Cheers!

Комментарий от Wishblade

on 2018-03-27T09:28:41-05:00

Sounds juicy! Good to hear the old bugger is messing around with everything as expected. XP

Комментарий от sikhjatt23

on 2018-03-27T09:31:20-05:00

I think it's kinda weird that medan is completely out of the picture now.

Комментарий от kaleestraza

on 2018-03-27T09:35:00-05:00They should have kept Med'an. I still don't get the outrage over him. How is Thrall in Cataclysm any different than Med'an? Or any other super hero we've had throughout WoW? Okay, maybe not all were super over powered, but he could have been introduced to the game in a more limited fashion.

Either way, interesting stuff! Cheers!

Two wrongs don't make a right. Yeah, let's absolutely cover the lore in garbage characters because somehow one established one makes it all okay. That will work out well...

Комментарий от Thiszo

on 2018-03-27T09:39:32-05:00

I'm glad there's no Med'an. One of the most underwhelming characters imo.

Комментарий от nonamegiven

on 2018-03-27T09:39:40-05:00

They should have kept Med'an. I still don't get the outrage over him. How is Thrall in Cataclysm any different than Med'an?

Thrall earned himself a pretty sizeable hatedom in Cataclysm for much the same reasons that Med'an did, so that's maybe not the best example to use.

Комментарий от Tinkerer

on 2018-03-27T09:40:57-05:00

I don't think I like Azshara being another Old God related baddie rather than just a horrible person. It's fine to have some villains that aren't related to some cosmic powers, y'know?

Комментарий от Tombsv

on 2018-03-27T09:48:44-05:00

I'm glad that N'zoth is turning out to be the smarter of the old gods. Brain over brawn! Sure, the other old gods call N'zoth the weakest. But it is clearly just really smart propaganda by N'Zoth! N'zoth plays the long game and we will soon be saved by it!

Комментарий от azahel

on 2018-03-27T10:01:02-05:00They should have kept Med'an. I still don't get the outrage over him. How is Thrall in Cataclysm any different than Med'an? Or any other super hero we've had throughout WoW? Okay, maybe not all were super over powered, but he could have been introduced to the game in a more limited fashion.

Either way, interesting stuff! Cheers!

We hate thrall for that same reason; but he was nowhere near to the atrocity that was 404 boy

Комментарий от shefu

on 2018-03-27T10:02:49-05:00

They should have kept Med'an. I still don't get the outrage over him. How is Thrall in Cataclysm any different than Med'an?

Thrall earned himself a pretty sizeable hatedom in Cataclysm for much the same reasons that Med'an did, so that's maybe not the best example to use.

Yes they did, the same "loud" community that mostly complains about everything else in the game. However just because they disliked Thrall in that expansion, doesn't mean that they were right. Majority of the player base never bother to comment on the game, they just play.

I personally didn't have an issue with either Med'an or Thrall in cata, and I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one.

Комментарий от LyssaWoW

on 2018-03-27T10:02:52-05:00

I think it's kinda weird that medan is completely out of the picture now.

Not really, he's never even been mentioned in the games. The Chronicles are a series that is setting the World of Warcraft game lore straight with the future of the game as the goal, the cartoons and other stuff he was in have never had a real influence on game lore. Introducing someone with those kind of powers now when we're about to fight bigger and badder things would just seem like a bit of a cop out.

There's no real surprises overall. I think it was pretty widely established that N'zoth had a hand in the Cataclysm and Deathwing's story. The only confirmation is that it wasn't the Old Gods, just a singular Old God. They're obviously hinting heavily that N'zoth likes to stir up trouble between the races of Azeroth, that can't not be a coincidence now that we're going into the biggest every focus on faction wars.

Комментарий от FakeGodz

on 2018-03-27T10:09:06-05:00

The major problem with med'an is that, at the end of Warcraft 3, Medivh is supposed to be the last guardian, the power of a Guardian is too dangerous if it's fall to wrong hand... which actually happen... Medivh was controlled by Sargeras and opened the Dark Portal.

Medivh was killed, Sargeras lose control of him, then Medivh resurrected, free from Sargeras control, he then decide that the power of a Guardian should stay with him, and maybe it'll lose in time.

From Warcraft 3 ending : Confident that the world was safe for now, and that he had repaid a fraction of debt for his terrible sins, Medivh vanished, to take his place "amongst the legends of the past." His actions ensured Azeroth's survival and he found some redemption for his previous crimes.

And then Blizzard decided to make med'an and made him into Guardian 2.0

At the end of the comic Med'an return the power and vanish, just like that

What's the point of making this character then? It just screw up the overall story in Warcraft Universe.

Medivh and Garona having child... wtf...Medivh trains Med'an to be Guardian... wtf...

Комментарий от Skildar

on 2018-03-27T10:14:01-05:00

Seriously? Now the Old Gods are even behind quilboar and centaur? Blizzard, not everything has to be tied to them. This is ridiculous. It is extremely poor writing to have every single villain now have the backstory "they were corrupted!"

In Maraudon you fight the daughter of Therazan who's has turned mad because of the loss of her husband with whom she created the centaurs. Her despair turned the centaurs against one another. And after cataclysm, we learn that the legion was using the centaur clans against each other. But wait Chronicle 3 now has information! Let's reckon the hell out of everything and Old gods are actually the bad guys that you knew they were!

Azshara wanted more power and thus associated with Sargeras to be later saved by an ancient power? Let's make that the Old gods so we know for sure the only acceptable solution to this dire problem is to kill the queen!

For the first time I think I'm done with this universe and will go back to reading some real fantasy in which the writers don't *!@# over the work of their colleagues, past or present, to suit their own fetishes.

Комментарий от Nachoslayer

on 2018-03-27T10:21:28-05:00

Don't know how I feel about this. I liked it a lot more when every villain was their own thing instead of just being a part of the old god scheme. It seems the meme "an old god did it!" is becoming canon.

Not only that, but there isn't much depth to their character and motives. Sargeras, Illidan (anti-hero, I know, but frig that) and Arthas each had their own motive and story that led them to who they would be as a character. They had years of character growth to them. They might not be perfect, but there was attention being put into their story.

Old gods are really just evil and their character is just that. They are cool as mysterious entities, but honestly that is slowly being taken away from them. They also seem to be the cause of every single tidbit now which is a bit over kill. A villain can be their own thing and doesn't need to be corrupted or influenced by the old gods to be evil. I find it is far more interesting for them to develop into that role themselves.

Every villain is just connected to the void now and old gods is what caused it. I don't think this is great story telling and I honestly find it a much worse version of the old lore. Of course this is just my opinion and feel free to disagree.

Комментарий от Pwn79

on 2018-03-27T10:21:44-05:00

Seriously? Now the Old Gods are even behind quilboar and centaur? Blizzard, not everything has to be tied to them. This is ridiculous. It is extremely poor writing to have every single villain now have the backstory "they were corrupted!"

In Maraudon you fight the daughter of Therazan who's has turned mad because of the loss of her husband with whom she created the centaurs. Her despair turned the centaurs against one another. And after cataclysm, we learn that the legion was using the centaur clans against each other. But wait Chronicle 3 now has information! Let's reckon the hell out of everything and Old gods are actually the bad guys that you knew they were!

Azshara wanted more power and thus associated with Sargeras to be later saved by an ancient power? Let's make that the Old gods so we know for sure the only acceptable solution to this dire problem is to kill the queen!

For the first time I think I'm done with this universe and will go back to reading some real fantasy in which the writers don't *!@# over the work of their colleagues, past or present, to suit their own fetishes.

Gotta love people whining, So Old gods, servants of the Void lords were sent on a quest to corrupt Azeroth, imprisoned and slowly breaking free, you don't expect them to pull the strings on major events to ensure their escape and reach their goal? just for a friendly reminder Void Lords > Burning Legion > Petty quarrels, If you add to the mix their ability to Mind Control , it is totally aceptable and it makes sense, sadly some people expect Blizzard to write the story according to their personal delusional ideas :P

Комментарий от Thmar

on 2018-03-27T10:31:20-05:00

I'm pretty sad that nagas followed Illidan due to the will of the Old Gods. I've always dreamed of playing a naga, but it seems that they will stay badies forever, now...

Комментарий от lambda34

on 2018-03-27T10:39:53-05:00

i liked almost everything but the part that the naga reached for illidan because of old gods influence. i mean, it seems kinda odd that lady vashj was so fervently loyal to him, to the point to ask for forgiveness to him on her dying moments instead of profess something about her queen azshara, just because "old gods wanted illidan to destroy the lich king".

and even after that, the scourge is gone, why are the nagas of vashj still loyal to the illidari? just because "old gods wanted illidan to destroy sargeras and the burning legion"? meh, to me it was more interesting when the naga had other alliances and connections of their own (like the fel-naga allied to the legion on the broken shore). besides it kinda undermined the possibility of naga as a playable race in the future.

Комментарий от Silmafarion

on 2018-03-27T10:40:06-05:00

They should have kept Med'an. I still don't get the outrage over him. How is Thrall in Cataclysm any different than Med'an? Or any other super hero we've had throughout WoW? Okay, maybe not all were super over powered, but he could have been introduced to the game in a more limited fashion.

Because Med'an was World-Shaman Thrall on steroids. He was half-human, quarter-orc, and quarter-draenei. He could wield the elements, holy magic, and the arcane. And on top of that, he was the Guardian and Medivh's son.

It's like Blizzard snatched him out of a bad fanfic. Glad to see he got scrapped from the lore.

Комментарий от Skrauhg

on 2018-03-27T10:44:32-05:00

They should have kept Med'an. I still don't get the outrage over him. How is Thrall in Cataclysm any different than Med'an? Or any other super hero we've had throughout WoW? Okay, maybe not all were super over powered, but he could have been introduced to the game in a more limited fashion.

Because Med'an was World-Shaman Thrall on steroids. He was half-human, quarter-orc, and quarter-draenei. He could wield the elements, holy magic, and the arcane. And on top of that, he was the Guardian and Medivh's son.

It's like Blizzard snatched him out of a bad fanfic.

He was not the Guardian after they stated the events of the comics still occurred, but he simply didn't get his power boost. Holy magic he had not yet learned, and due to the events of WotLK, I doubt Maraad had time to teach him.

Комментарий от Spectrence

on 2018-03-27T10:54:10-05:00

personally I don't like these overly large god-like "big bad" story lines. Azshara was a pretty solid villian as is. Making her an old god servant...maybe it's just me, but it feels it cheapens the character. Also confuses me that It had her send naga to help illidan take out arthas? why? having the undead overwhelm the planet would have fit into whole "destroy all life" thing. Sure, being corpses does make the undead immune to the old god whispers but wasn't that their end goal anyways? I guess I don't understand the motivations of the old gods. It's like the fight between them and the burning legion. void lords wanted to destroy all life for entropic reasons and sent out the old gods to do so. sargeras freaked out and proceeded to stop the void by...ending all life to put the universe in a cold dead state? you'd think the void guys would just sit back and laugh "oh no, sargeras, please don't do that!"

I don't know, I just feel like blizzard tends to drop the ball on these grand scale story lines. they do so well with the smaller scale ones. Even the expansions people didn't like as much (cata and wod seemingly being the two big ones), the smaller scale story lines in individual zones were so very fleshed out and well done in comparison. Personally, I liked the small zone-centric stories in wod very much. Legion's was well done as well (even if the constant deaths of characters upset a lot of people hehe). But once they bring the godlike entities into the picture, it comes with a lot of random plot holes. We don't have to have godlike entities to keep the story interesting. Supposed minor villians are just as good, potentially better since you can give them more story to work with that won't end with them being overpowered. Vancleef is a classic example. Almost took out stormwind and he was just a guy. Guldan is another. Incredibly powerful, but he had weaknesses that made the back and forth between him and the player character (at least, to me) feel interesting (honestly, I felt that he was handled the way Arthas should've been done during wotlk. Both had a major presence as you quested. Arthas would just monologue and walk away though, whereas guldan felt more involved. And I really liked that, he felt powerful but not overly so. A solid antagonist for the player). They weren't just "I'm a god so you die now unless you somehow don't".

Not upset about medan being gone though. his concept wasn't bad, but the way he was created...well, he was one of those overly large characters that bring with him a ton of plot holes. Thrall became like that during cata after all, and he had to be retroactively fixed with a bandage "the elements won't listen to be after draenor's events" (which is sloppy storytelling, but it beats the alternative of keeping him godlike). Perhaps they can bring back a similar concept in the future, but not so "overpowered". That's not fun storytelling.


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